Instrument Hires

Published on 22/09/2021

We are working as quickly as possible to get you your instrument hires.  The start of term is always challenging, but this year is even more of a challenge because of added processes.

We are still under emergency conditions/procedures due to COVID -19.  These are conditions we have to follow from Council, as we are a Council Service.

What does this mean for you as a hirer?

  • You start by emailing your request to hire an instrument Musichubrepairs&
  • If the instrument is in stock you will be sent a payment link.  (if it is not we will also advise)
  • As soon as we receive notification of payment (from Council Finance Dept.) we can start to process your hire.
  • PLEASE NOTE-We have to let the council know who is visiting site the following week on a Friday by 5pm.  If ALL of the process has been met we can do this, if not WE HAVE TO WAIT FOR THE NEXT WEEKLY CYCLE.
  • You will be sent an appointment slot to collect you instrument.  This will include an access code that is unique to you.
  • On arrival you will be asked for this code-which gains you access to site but also gives us the unique identity of your hire instrument.

Please be patient as we organise your hires, we are working as fast as we can under challenging conditions.

Kind Regards,

Sheffield Music Hub Hires.